
Your financial support helps to bridge the gap between the actual cost of educating a student and the comprehensive fee. 无论大小,每一份礼物都很重要.

勒努瓦-雷恩基金为每一位学生提供重要的支持, affecting all areas of campus life from scholarships to faculty support to facilities and student life. 因为你的天赋, students receive a well-rounded LR education with opportunities that extend well beyond the classroom. 有了你的经济支持,小熊们的生活就没有了限制.

你的天赋帮助学生为未来做好准备, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to lead and serve in their communities. It provides the flexibility to respond to changing circumstances and to take advantage of new opportunities.

Every gift, no matter where it’s directed, makes an impact for our Bears, right away. 学生的LR体验从你开始. You make their individual journeys here possible, and we are grateful for your support.

Show your support for LR students and pay it forward for the next generation with your gift today.



  • 大学最大的需求

    Funds directed to support the university’s greatest needs give LR the flexibility to meet our evolving needs as they arise throughout a given academic year. 您的礼物使全球网赌十大网站能够为学生做更多的事情, 他们的教职员工导师, 以及定义独特LR体验的项目.

  • 优秀和按需奖学金

    LR awards an astonishing $38 million in scholarship support each year – an accessible and affordable education is at the heart of our commitment to students, 年复一年. 通过支持奖学金需求, your gift allows us to open doors for current and future Bears to choose LR and know they are supported by a network of Bear alumni and friends who are rooting for their success.

  • 体育运动

    LR的田径运动是首屈一指的, providing exceptional student-athlete experiences and a game-day environment that rivals any in the nation. 当前使用的体育资金支持所有23支球队. 除了一般, 无限制的运动支持, donors can designate their gift to any one of our teams to support their individual and specific needs.

  • 校园及社区生活

    LR is known for its strong campus community that blends the residential and commuter student experience. 从学生社团到宗教和精神生活, 校园活动委员会到学生会, funds to this area help develop programming that leads to a rich and engaging time on campus for every student.

  • 多样性、公平和包容

    LR is committed to being the most welcoming and inclusive community we can be. 支持多样性的礼物, 公平和包容的努力为校园范围内的倡议提供资金, 有助于吸引对话的活动和演讲者, 促进验收, and value and celebrate the differences that make us stronger as one community.

  • 美术及表演艺术

    LR’s fine and performing arts programs provide opportunities for the campus and broader community to come together and examine the world through a new lens. 从著名的访问作家系列到合唱团, 为无数学生服务的乐队和戏剧项目, 美术和表演艺术为全球网赌十大网站的社会增添了深度和美感.

  • 创新教与学

    学术卓越是全球网赌十大网站作为一所大学的核心. Funds that support innovative teaching and learning provide important financial resources for our faculty and academic departments to do more for our students, 在课堂内外. 新技术, experiential learning opportunities and innovative teaching methods allow us to offer cutting-edge curricula that prepare students for lives of service and leadership in their communities.

  • LTSS新人寿基金

    南方路德神学院, 位于全球网赌十大网站的哥伦比亚, 南卡罗莱纳校区,  is focused on preparing the next generation of leaders for ministry in a Christ-centered, 宗教背景. Gifts to the New Life Fund support the annual needs of our seminary by providing academic support, mentorship and fieldwork opportunities that prepare our students to lead in a ministerial context — in a congregation or otherwise.

  • 学生的成功

    全球网赌十大网站所做的一切都是为了让全球网赌十大网站的学生成功. Funds to this area support the programming and initiatives that help LR attract, 参与, 留住学生并让他们毕业. The services we offer reach our students in every corner of their life as a Bear — from an engaging first-year experience to ongoing support services in the Lohr Learning Commons, Center for Vocation and Purpose or Alex Lee Career and Professional Development Center.

    Your gifts help our students take full advantage of their time on campus and develop their talents so they are fully prepared to make an impact on the world.

  • 其他

    Is there an area of campus life you are passionate about that you don’t see listed here? 全球网赌十大网站想帮助你支持它. Reach out to us and let us know how we can help you make an impact for our students today. 你的慷慨不会被忽视, 而你的礼物——无论大小——都能让LR的经历继续下去.


我的LR奖学金在经济上和个人生活上都帮助了我. The donors of LR have truly blessed me, and I think LR donors are amazing people with big hearts.

天使萨默森当 '20,教学研究


Annual scholarships are a great way to make an immediate impact because students receive 100 percent of the funding now. Unlike endowments, these gifts to the annual fund are entirely expendable and are awarded right away. 而无限制的奖学金支持可以发生在任何级别, a named annual scholarship requires a giving commitment at the specified amount each year, 不少于四年.


  • 3万美元——可以一次性支付,也可以分四年支付(每年7500美元)
    Donors can name and designate their annual scholarship to an area of campus most meaningful to them.
  • 10,000美元-可以一次性支付或分四年支付(每年2,500美元)
    捐赠者可以命名他们的年度奖学金. Donor is not able to designate their gift—this is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need only.


The number one reason students don’t see Lenoir-Rhyne as a viable possibility is a concern around financial aid. 感谢大学捐赠者的慷慨, 多于1,327 students were able to attend LR because of a generous scholarship package.

To learn more about how you can set up an endowed scholarship or annual scholarship, 请下载全球网赌十大网站的熊帮助熊信息表.



All donors with a named scholarship are invited to our annual scholarship luncheon to get to know their student recipients.

另外, scholarship donors are inducted into the President’s Society and are invited to numerous stewardship events throughout the year.