Transform Your Future

Types of Financial Aid


全球网赌十大网站相信你应该有机会实现你的高等教育目标. We help students find and apply for financial assistance and scholarships.

Through the generous support of our alumni and community, LR can offer almost all enrolled students some level of financial aid. Academic, merit, talent, 根据需要提供的奖学金和其他奖学金也适用于符合条件和有资格的学生.

Federal Assistance


  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

    Known as FAFSA, 这项联邦资助申请每年由当前和未来的大学生(本科生和研究生)完成,以确定您是否有资格获得经济援助.

    你可以在高中最后一年的10月1日开始提交FAFSA. You must complete a new FAFSA each year you attend school.


    File Your FAFSA
  • Pell Grant

    A federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. 这些助学金通常只颁发给没有获得学士学位或专业学位的本科生.

    Apply for Pell Grant
  • Subsidized Loan

    If you’re eligible, 联邦学生贷款帮助你支付四年制学院或大学的高等教育费用. Subsidized loans are based on financial needs. 联邦政府在你至少有一半时间在校期间支付贷款利息. 有资助及无资助斯塔福德贷款的受供养学生借款限额如下:

    • $5,500 for freshman year
    • $6,500 for sophomore year
    • $7,500 for junior year
    • $7,500 for each remaining year
    • $31,000 total for all undergraduate years
    Explore Subsidized Loans
  • Unsubsidized Loan

    If you’re eligible, 联邦学生贷款帮助你支付四年制学院或大学的高等教育费用. Unsubsidized loans are not based on financial needs. 利息从资金支付开始累积,直到贷款全部还清.

    Explore Unsubsidized Loans
  • PLUS Loan

    联邦贷款,毕业生或专业学生和受抚养的本科生的父母可以用它来帮助支付大学或职业学校的费用. PLUS贷款可以帮助支付其他经济援助不包括的教育费用.

    Learn About PLUS Loans

State Assistance

Veteran Benefits

Lenoir-Rhyne University is a military-inclusive university 并自豪地欢迎所有现役军人、退伍军人、军人配偶和家庭成员. 全球网赌十大网站感谢你的服务,感谢你和你的家人为全球网赌十大网站国家做出的牺牲.

全球网赌十大网站欢迎经历过军事生活的广度和多样性的申请人. LR offers a broad range of high-quality, 负担得起的本科和研究生学术课程,由卓越的学生服务支持.

如果您有任何问题,请联系金伯利·奥德,退伍军人福利协调员 or 828.328.7228.


  • G.I. Bill


    • Chapter 30 – Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty
      适用于符合条件的现役军人和最近10年内从现役部队分离或退役的军人. (rare exceptions to 10-year rule).
    • Chapter 33 – Post 9/11 GI Bill
      For anyone with at least 90 days of aggregate service since 09/10/01. Valid for 15 years from the last date of qualifying service. 有资格参加其他计划的退伍军人必须进行不可撤销的选举,以切换到第33章. If your release from active duty was before January 1, 2013, there is a 15-year time limitation for use of benefits. For individuals whose last discharge date is on or after January 1, 2013, the time limitation has been removed.
    • Chapter 1606 – Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve

    Chapter 33 tuition and fees come directly to the university, while Chapter 30 and Chapter 1606 are direct deposit payments.

  • VA Vocational Rehabilitation


    • Chapter 31 – Veteran Readiness and Employment
      仅适用于有服务相关残疾的合格退伍军人. 这个项目向学校支付学费、杂费、书籍和用品,并每月给兽医津贴.
  • Military Dependents Education Benefits


    • Chapter 35 – Dependents’ Education Assistance
      提供给100%永久和完全残疾的兽医的配偶和/或子女,或在这种与服务有关的残疾被确定后死亡的兽医. 它也适用于MIA或战俘服务成员的家属(家属子女也可能有资格获得NC退伍军人儿童奖学金)。.
  • Military Tuition Assistance (TAP)

    现役军人和现役警卫和预备役成员可以获得高达100%的学费报销. 全球网赌十大网站的财务援助团队处理TAP表格,或者预备役人员可以将这些表格直接邮寄到TAP表格上的地址. The military unit, not LR, provides forms.

Other Types of Financial Aid

  • Private Loans
    Private loan options are available for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as parents, looking for an alternative or a supplement to federal loans. 
  • Community Scholarships