职业生涯 & 专业发展

Take charge of your potential for career and professional success, both in college and beyond.


The Alex Lee 职业生涯 and 专业发展 Center helps you discover your true personality, 探索专业和职业选择, 找实习和兼职工作,为毕业后的生活做准备.

The services provided are designed to empower Lenoir-Rhyne students and alumni in maximizing their potential for career and professional success.

Whether you’re a student just starting out in the working world or a seasoned graduate with years of experience, we offer career and professional development resources to help you make the most of your LR degree.


LR has supported my goal of earning a degree by providing resources to help with career development. 我的教授在课内外提供资源,帮助我达到课程目标.

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服务 & 资源

全球网赌十大网站和 employers and thousands of Bear alumni to build strong professional networks and help connect you with internships and job opportunities.


  • 实习小额基金
  • 职业衣橱,免费提供职业服装
  • 关注2 自我评估系统(接入代码:Bears4Life)
  • 选择一个适合自己的专业
  • 职业和性格评估
  • 职业研究与决策
  • 职业生涯的连接器 -将校友与在校学生和校友联系起来
  • 保密咨询和指导
  • 简历撰写及审核
  • 面试准备和模拟面试
  • 求职小贴士
  • 实习寻找与申请
  • 申请研究生须知
  • 专业的社交策略
  • 专业地展示自己
  • 在校期间协助勤工俭学或校外兼职工作

We are committed to helping you refine your skills and develop professionally in order to find your dream job or graduate school.


Free, confidential career counseling and coaching is available to all LR students and alumni. 联系凯蒂Wohlman,职业和专业发展主管 凯蒂.wohlman@kdcircle.com or 828.328.7699预约.

  • 简历审查

    如果你已经准备好写一份简历,但不知道如何开始, make an appointment to talk with us about how your resume can showcase your unique skills and abilities.

  • 模拟面试

    确定你要去面试一个实习或全职工作的雇主. Make an appointment to practice the interview—from delivering the best handshake to answering the tough questions and bringing closure to the interview.

    The mock interview lasts approximately 30 minutes and is followed by a 20-minute critique. 在回顾的过程中,你会了解到你做得好的地方,以及如何改进. 目前所有模拟面试都是通过Zoom虚拟进行的.

  • 职业研讨会

    We collaborate with faculty, recruiters and other individuals to enhance career development skills.

  • 求职协助和策略

    We can share our job boards, employer contacts and strategies for finding the job of your dreams.

  • 研究生准备

    全球网赌十大网站协助申请过程,并提供有关GRE的信息, GMAT考试, 考试, LSDAS和MCAT. We also provide opportunities for you to take practice tests in both the fall and spring semesters of each year to help better prepare you for these graduate exams.

  • 网络

    大多数人都是通过认识的人找到工作的. 如果你对如何建立自己的职业关系网感到好奇, make an appointment with us to discuss ways you can get to know employers in the Hickory area (and beyond) and improve your chances of being considered for internship and job opportunities.

  • 勤工俭学

    The LR 勤工俭学 allows current undergraduate students the opportunity to earn income while developing essential workplace skills for post-graduation careers.

    研究生有资格在校园里担任研究生助理(GA)。. 申请GA职位,请访问 在劳氏工作 页面. 

    • 联邦勤工俭学
      The FWS Program is designed to promote access to part-time employment to help students with indirect educational expenses. 经济援助办公室, based on federal regulations and confidential information regarding the student's financial status, 决定FWS的资格. Eligible students will receive an award of FWS and an annual earnings limit on their financial aid award letter. FWS在经济援助奖励信上的offer并不是工作的保证.
    • 部门勤工俭学
      The DWS Program is designed by LR to allow students who are ineligible for FWS access to part-time employment to help with their indirect educational expenses. 学生 who do not receive an award of FWS may seek and apply for on-campus positions that are funded through individual departments.
    • 美国阅读/美国计数(AR/AC)
      AR/AC项目, 联邦社区服务项目, is an off-campus 辅导 program designed to allow college students to help elementary school-aged children improve their reading and mathematics skills while helping themselves with their indirect educational expenses. 学生 must have received an award of FWS on their financial aid award letter to be eligible for the AR/AC Project. 学生需要自己提供往返于辅导地点的交通工具.


  • 校友就业资源

    一日为熊,终身为熊. 该中心为LR校友提供终身免费的职业指导和资源. Contact our office to set up an in-person or virtual appointment and learn more about our services.

  • 招聘 & 指导


    If you are interested in hiring LR students or alumni or mentoring a student reach out to us for more information or sign up for a 握手 account.


全球网赌十大网站希望帮助您与全球网赌十大网站有才华的学生和校友建立联系. The center offers many services to help you identify the right candidates for your openings.

全球网赌十大网站在山胡桃为本科生和研究生提供服务, 阿什维尔, 和哥伦比亚大学校园. Lenoir-Rhyne operates on the semester system, and students graduate in May, December, and August.

有关招聘的更多信息, 或者如果你有问题, 请联系凯蒂Wohlman, 职业和专业发展主任, at 凯蒂.wohlman@kdcircle.com or 828.328.7699.

教师 & 工作人员

We love to partner with faculty and staff to support your programs’ career and professional goals.

To schedule a class visit or to plan a meeting to discuss how we can work together to help our students, 请联系凯蒂Wohlman, 职业和专业发展主任, at 凯蒂.wohlman@kdcircle.com or 828.328.7699.

  • 教师 & 员工的机会

    LR的教职员工以各种方式与该中心合作. Contact us if you are interested in any of the following opportunities or would like to discuss partnering with us.

    • 进行课堂上的培训
    • 对所有学生进行模拟面试
    • 协助寻找实习联系人
    • 协助举办招聘会
    • 确定公司参观课程,分享案例研究
  • 勤工助学工作

    如果你有一个勤工俭学的职位,并希望招收一个合格的学生, 联系主管发布招聘信息.


如果您是LR学生或校友的家长, 你知道勒努瓦-莱恩教育的价值.

We are always looking for employers to list internships and job opportunities with us or to mentor students. 如果你想了解更多, 请联系凯蒂Wohlman, 职业和专业发展主任, at 凯蒂.wohlman@kdcircle.com or 828.328.7699.